Ocean Explorers Nig Ltd New Partner - Six Maritime Holding

In the second quarter of 2014, Ocean Explorers Nig Ltd entered into partnership with Sixth Maritime Holdings, 606 SE Depot Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601 U.S.A, as the private maritime security company’s new partner for technology, intelligence and strategic services.

Six Maritime is a technologically advanced maritime security company that serves clients with consummate professionalism. Using state of the art military and industry practices, our skilled, tested and proven professionals provide clients with tailor-made, cost effective solutions that ensure both safety and security in every environment.
Ocean Explorers Nig Ltd and the Six Maritime Holdings strategic partnership will bring to bear more effective security solutions and operations in West Africa Coast and especially in Nigeria, where we are presently faced with a host of security challenges and diverse operational requirements.

Six Maritime renders and delivers a range of advanced technologically state of the art equipment with Early Detection Technology and security services.

As the maritime industry and offshore environments grow with unpredictable security challenges facing the operations, the partnership of both organizations will bring about the birth of contemporary technology security solution services.
The founders of Six Maritime forged their leadership and business acumen on the biggest stages at the highest stakes; their operational expertise established while serving in the elite ranks of the United States Navy SEAL Teams.

Six Maritime’s Board of Advisors has nearly 100 years experience in the security and maritime sectors of the United States government. A more distinguished, wise and educated Advisory Board cannot be found anywhere in the maritime security industry.


News Update

Hon. Dr. Godwin Ebosa resigns as MD of Ocean Explorers Nigeria Limited following his appointment as the chairman Delta state Oil Producing Area Development Commission (DESOPADEC)

OENL sign a partnership agreement with Six Maritime U.S.A

OENL sign an MOU with the Nigerian Naval

OENL has been certified by the NSCDC to operate as Private Maritime Security Firm and to carry out other security allied businesses.

OENL has just sign an MOA with Awaritse Nigeria Limited